The Zenith by Ben J. S. Morales
In the Great River of Fire
With its flames always in a flurry
There is a Place many Men strive to reach in a hurry
For a Great Prize may be received
But only to Those who believe
In the Great Tree of Immortality
A single bite of its Fruit one can live for eternity
This Great Tree is the Zenith
Some say It is real, to others, a myth
To cross the River of Flames, One must not be afraid
For on the Fire a Great Bridge was laid
At the Great King's Command
The Great Prince went straight at hand
To build the Bridge, it was not simple
To finish the Work, He must be humble
He completed the Work at the cost of His Life
So that everyone may have Eternal Life
Truly Great was His Sacrifice
His Great Deed alone would suffice
To Save every Man to Eternal Life