This will be my very first attempt to draw and write a manga. To those who do not know what manga is; it is a japanese-style of comic art and is quite popular around the world, especially in Asia. This manga is called Rock Heart. It is still not finished but I hope when it is, it will be awesome. It is an adventure, comedy story about a young boy with the rare ability to revive statues or golems using the rare artifact Rock Heart.
This is the first page. As you can see it is not yet finished. The whole manga would hopefully be at least 50 pages but it will take some time since I still have school and I'm the only one drawing but I will finish it as soon as I can.
Great start! Keep it up :) DadZ
We are VERY excited about your blog here Ben! GREAT JOB!
HA HA...as soon as we began to inquire "WHAT on earth is a MANGA?", you answered the question for us...THANKS!
MY! But you are a TALENTED and GIFTED artist!
We look forward to many visits here on PEN and BEN!
God Bless!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog!
I'm still new at blogging but I will do my best to post more artwork that I've done in the past years.
Great button! I like it. It's now proudly placed on my sidebar.
Waiting to see more artwork here,
Hey Ben, keep up the good work.I'm sure to support you.
Your good friend since Form 1 in M'sia XD (not Don)
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