March 23, 2010

Some Doodles I Drew Recently

These characters were just a few doodles I made to pass the time. Well, my best doodles I guess. They're not perfect, some are not done yet and some are not even inked.
Here's one.

And another one. If you want, you can name any of these characters yourself!

And another one. This one I think turned out pretty well don't you think. There were a few slight imperfections though.

Haha, here's another swordsman. I think you may have noticed that most of my characters have swords in their hands or swords sheathed by their side. The thing is I like swords and I'm planning to write a comic book about swordsmen.

OK, now this is a little different. This guy is supposed to be a modern age guitarist. I drew his guitar sideways if you are wondering what he is holding.

Aha! now this guy was supposed to be a Viking or a robot. I don't really remember but this is how he turned out to be.

Ok, now I'm quite sure you know who these two characters are. They were one of my experiments on drawing Western comics. I'm afraid they didn't turn out too well though but I colored them anyway.
Here's another familiar face or should I say mask.

Well, these are just a few of my drawings and hopefully I will be able to post more later. I know it has been a long time since my last post of my drawings and I apologize but I really have been busy with school so I didn't have much time to draw but now I finished school, I will be able to post more. And about my manga project, Rock Hearts, I'm having a few difficulties in drawing it exactly as I want and it will take some time for me to train my drawing skills worthy for my story. Hopefully though, I would still be able to finish it soon.

Well, I hope you like my art! Thank you for visiting!


Ruth said...

Thank you for posting more of your drawn pictures. I'm curious why you like are a gentle person that's why. Could you please write more on this?


Judy Dudich said...

You are so talented Ben!
Thanks for sharing your work with us!
I recently saw this form of artwork offered as a college course!
Will you be pursuing this when you enter University?

Katie said...

Cool doodles, Ben!